Saturday, March 22, 2008

22 of March - World-wide Day of the Water

22 of March - World-wide Day of the Water

The General meeting of the Joined Nations adopted resolution A/RES/47/193 of 22 of December of 1992 (p. 22/02/93), through which 22 of March of each year would be declared World-wide Day of the water (DMA), to be observed from 93, in accordance with the recommendations of the Conference of the Nations Joined on contained Environment and Development in chapter 18 (on hídricos resources) of Agenda 21. through the Law n.º 10,670, of 14 of May of 2003, the Brazilian National Congress instituted the National Day of the Water in the same date.

Visiting blog Faça its part, Faça a sua parte I liked it approach on the human environment and without a doubt it is the parcel of the threatened environment more of extinguishing, even so does not consist of no "red list", as mentioned. Valley the penalty to confer the reading.

Faça a sua parte

The ONU chose 2008 as the "International Year of the Sanitation". The World-wide Day of the Water will be part of the programmed events.
