Saturday, March 22, 2008

22 of March - World-wide Day of the Water

22 of March - World-wide Day of the Water

The General meeting of the Joined Nations adopted resolution A/RES/47/193 of 22 of December of 1992 (p. 22/02/93), through which 22 of March of each year would be declared World-wide Day of the water (DMA), to be observed from 93, in accordance with the recommendations of the Conference of the Nations Joined on contained Environment and Development in chapter 18 (on hídricos resources) of Agenda 21. through the Law n.º 10,670, of 14 of May of 2003, the Brazilian National Congress instituted the National Day of the Water in the same date.

Visiting blog Faça its part, Faça a sua parte I liked it approach on the human environment and without a doubt it is the parcel of the threatened environment more of extinguishing, even so does not consist of no "red list", as mentioned. Valley the penalty to confer the reading.

Faça a sua parte

The ONU chose 2008 as the "International Year of the Sanitation". The World-wide Day of the Water will be part of the programmed events.


Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Child of silenced the World per 5 Minutes

A Canadian child who make a speeched in the conference of the Joined Nations, in Rio de Janeiro, and obtained to call the attention the adults for the existing problems in our planet, as also, what we have made to the World, without thinking about the future of our children and grandsons.
Confering and reflecting about it.

Advertising of the Greenpeace

Advertising of the Greenpeace.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


An Environment imagines better.
See the video.

Monday, February 11, 2008


After the carnival it comes the classes in the schools and the commitment of the continuity of the Projects that if began the previous year, as well as, new ideas so that 2008 either stuffed of positive results.

I will make here, one retaken of the activities that had involved the environment and that, with certainty we will give continuity.

It sees some activities that our pupils of basic and average education already had made and that we will give to continuity and more interatividade in blogs:

1 - Planting and taking care of of the green

2 - Taking care of of the Garden ===========================================================

The pupils had remade some gardens of the school, had planted new changes and are cuidadando with much affection.

3 - Gincanas on the recycling

The school promoted gincanas that approached the subject "Environment" and mainly the awareness of the recycling. In the photos above, the pupils participating of some activities that focus the recycling.

4 - Environment

The pupils had made visits in the neighboring outskirts of the school and some quarters and had been able to evidence wastefulness, the lack of concern of the man with the environment and the consequências that everything this will cause to our planet.

5 - Project Urban Forest

Activities about this project: Urban Forest

With the objective to acquire knowledge pupils and communities of the regions next to its plants on the importance to the preservation of the natural resources, the Urban Forest was launched. A project that only comes to strengthen the commitment of the Kimberly-Clark Brazil with the education directed toward the environment. For the development of the project, meetings of works with professors and collaborators of the schools had been organized, in which it was argued the best way of if bringing the ambient questions for the classroom, approaching complex subjects as effect greenhouse, acid rain and biodiversity for the universe of pupils of basic education.

This learning helped the K-C to develop cartilhas for professors and pupils with diverse on subjects the environment. This material was supplied to the schools together with all the used bibliography and videos as source the development of the didactic material. Moreover, a project of selective collection was implanted, through which the classrooms and common area of the schools had been yielded collecting for, that the pupils had allowed to carry through the practical one of the content learned in the classroom.

Our pupils had made the activities proposals for this project through books - cartilhas.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

SOS Tree!

In our school árovre has one lindíssima and enormous.
The pupils adore. A problem only exists!

As finding of the firemen it is condemned and wanted to knock down it.
The director of the school sent a craft so that the competent agencies took steps in the direction to make some thing so far so that the tree was not cut, but, nothing of reply.

The pupils are making a campaign in favor of the health of this tree.
We go to support them in this campaign, after all, this tree is part of the life of our school.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Types of air pollution

Types of air pollution

Summer smog
Winter smog
Urban air pollution
Air pollution - transport
Air pollution - industry
Regional air pollution
Global air pollution

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

How to protect your body

How to protect your body from the outside influences.

In the present day world, outside influences are accelerated by the production of the free radicals. The main influences among them are pesticides, solvents, radiation, pollution, drycleaners, aerosol sprays, air conditioners, car exhaust fumes, emotional or physical trauma or stress, excessive alcohol intake, cigarette smoke, infection, illness, fault protein digestion, rancid, hydrogenated and heated fats, tainted and spoiled foods, chemicals in food, ultra-violet rays and ozone. Apart from these facts, human beings eat less natural foods that are essential to protect them from various diseases.

Our body gets the necessary protection from the naturally occurring elements, derived directly from diet, or indirectly from the dietary sources. Some enzymes like Glutathione peroxidase, Superoxide dismutase (SOD), and Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E, Minerals like Selenium and Zinc, Amino acids like Cysteine, Arginine, Taurine and Glutamine are the important dietary sources that make our body healthy and strong. There is a requirement of adequate and sufficient supplies of nutrients by the body before making the enzymes more effective.

The scavenging function of enzymes gets reduced when there is no adequate quantity of these nutrients. Asthaxanthin, the red carotenoid of OGI’s line of products supplies you the necessary nutrients naturally and you can make use of them to lead a healthy and energetic life. The tall claims made by other marine products cannot be taken seriously as they are made of a mixture of synthetic and marine products. The artificial substances present in those products may not give you the desired result.

Saturday, January 5, 2008